03 入住酒店(6 / 7)

投票推荐 加入书签 留言反馈

  henry: it's 1503. here is my key card.
  waiter: a minute, please. it's 5000 yuan all together. tax included.
  henry: can i pay with credit card?
  waiter: yes, sir.
  henry: here you are.
  waiter: thanks. do you enjoy your stay here, sir?
  henry: very much. the room is clean and cozy; and the service is very good. by the way, is there any service of delivery available? i need to take my luggage to the airport.
  waiter: sure. it will be taken care of, sir. which flight do you take?
  henry: flight 1515. and my luggage should be delivered there by 4 o'clock.
  waiter: got it, sir. it'd be great to see you again, sir.
  henry: thank you.
  1. tax [t?ks] n. 税,税额;v. 向……征税
  2. cozy [?k?uzi] adj. 舒适的,安逸的;惬意的
  3. deliver [di?liv?] v. 递送,交付
  1. i'll check out today. can i have the bill?
  2. may i have an invoice? ↑返回顶部↑
